viernes, 3 de abril de 2009

Bye, bye E.R.

From American Ryan

Good numbers for E.R. that NBC ended yesterday after 15 season and 331 episodes. Those numbers allowed NBC to win the night easily. You should take a look at how the episode increases audience every half hour (almost doubled from 8 to 10 pm). Full details.

Scoreboard NBC CBS FOX Uni CW ABC
Rating/Share: Adults 18-49 5.2/14 3.3/9 2.9/8 1.8/5 1.6/4 1.4/4
Rating/Share: Adults 18-34 3.4/11 2.2/7 2.5/8 1.9/6 1.7/5 1.2/4
Total Viewers (million) 14.34 11.99 7.98 4.36 3.54 4.54

Time Net Show 18-49 Rating/Share 18-34 Rating/Share Viewers (Millons)
8:00 NBC ER (Retrospective) 3.5/10 2.4/8 10.56

CBS Survivor: Tocantins 3.6/11 2.1/7 11.21

FOX Bones 2.6/8 2.2/7 8.98

UNI Cuidado con el Ángel 1.8/5 1.9/6 4.62

CW Smallville 1.6/5 1.7/6 3.80

ABC In the Motherhood 1.6/5 1.5/5 5.00

8:30 ABC Samantha Who? 1.5/4 1.4/4 4.90

9:00 NBC ER Finale 5.5/14 3.7/10 15.07

CBS CSI 3.7/10 2.7/8 14.38

FOX Hell’s Kitchen 3.2/8 2.9/8 6.98

UNI Mañana Es Para Siempre 2.2/6 2.5/7 5.11

ABC Grey’s Anatomy (R) 1.5/4 1.3/4 4.90

CW Supernatural 1.5/4 1.8/5 3.28

10:00 NBC ER Finale 6.6/18 4.5/13 17.40

CBS Eleventh Hour 2.5/7 1.8/5 10.38

UNI Rosa de Guadalupe 1.4/4 1.6/5 3.35

ABC Private Practice (R) 1.2/3 1.0/3 3.82

Half hour data for ER

8:00 NBC ER (Retrospective) 3.3/10 2.2/8 10.23
8:30 NBC ER (Retrospective) 3.7/10 2.5/8 10.88
9:00 NBC ER Finale 5.3/14 3.5/10 14.79
9:30 NBC ER Finale 5.6/14 3.7/11 15.35
10:00 NBC ER Finale 6.7/18 4.5/13 17.77
10:30 NBC ER Finale 6.4/18 4.3/13 17.02

Last Thursday results, here.

Thanks to:
TV by the numbers

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