miércoles, 15 de abril de 2009


FOX led an easy night as every Tuesday's nights are for them. Not too much to mention though. Only remark that American Idol saw its audience improved in almost 2 million viewers and 0.3 in the demos while Fringe saw its audience increased more or less (American Idol overrun for 2 minutes) in two million and 0.8 in the demos. Nice data for the CW too. Due to Tori Spelling come-back to the show they saw their best numbers in over 2 months.

Scoreboard FOX NBC CBS ABC Uni CW
Rating/Share: Adults 18-49 6.4/16 3.3/9 2.7/7 2.2/6 1.7/5 1.0/3
Rating/Share: Adults 18-34 4.8/14 2.8/8 1.7/5 1.6/5 1.9/5 1.4/4
Total Viewers (million) 17.49 8.21 12.88 8.61 4.39 2.09

Time Net Show 18-49 Rating/Share 18-34 Rating/Share Viewers (Millons)
8:00 FOX American Idol 8.2/23 6.2/19 23.48

NBC The Biggest Loser: Couples 3.3/9 2.7/8 8.20

CBS NCIS (Repeat) 2.5/7 1.6/5 13.37

UNI Cuidado con el Ángel 1.7/5 2.0/6 4.48

ABC According to Jim 1.2/4 0.8/3 4.70

CW Reaper 0.9/2 0.9/3 2.05

8:30 ABC According to Jim 1.2/3 0.8/2 4.25

9:00 FOX Fringe 4.5/11 3.3/9 11.50

NBC The Biggest Loser: Couples 4.2/10 3.4/9 9.95

ABC Dancing With the Stars Results 3.4/8 2.5/7 14.76

CBS The Mentalist (Repeat) 2.4/6 1.5/4 12.10

UNI Mañana Es Para Siempre 2.0/5 2.3/6 4.99

CW 90210 1.2/3 1.8/5 2.13

10:00 CBS Without a Trace 3.0/8 2.0/6 13.17

NBC Law & Order: SVU (Repeat) 2.4/6 2.3/6 6.50

ABC Cupid 1.8/5 1.4/4 6.60

UNI Aquí y Ahora 1.5/4 1.5/4 3.711

Last Tuesday results, here.

Thanks to:
TV by the numbers

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